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Feeling sad

I divorced my husband almost 2 year ago after 34 yrs of marriage because he said something that I took it seriously even though he told me that he did not meant it ....kind of a threat which I never heard him saying when we had few arguments now and than but nothing like this
And my grown up kids does not want anything to do with him anymore because of it
I told my kids this between me and my husband which they do not have to do this to their father ..by not ever talking to him . but they do not want to make peace whatsoever because my husband hurt me with words that I was shock to hear him saying which now I feel scare going back to him (I feel more in peace by not being or seeing him)
Do you think is right for them to do this to their own father?
I tried talking to them that after all is your father but they do not want to make peace ever....throughout my marriage we had some arguments that I had to leave him for days but love keep me going back to him but this time was the worst I do not know what he was thinking by threatening me, it was even an stupid argument that did not have to involve threats...
At times I wanted to be out of this marriage but I was not brave enough but this time he went too far
My concern is I want my kids to still talk to him because my husband has no one else to support him emotionally ...even though their relationship was not that great either with their father
Should I keep persuading my kids to be part of their father life or ??

Re: Feeling sad

No. You have made your opinion clear to them. They can make their own decisions. In time, who knows, they may reach out to reconnect with him, but that’s not your choice or decision to make. It’s theirs!

Re: Feeling sad

Thank you for replying
Happy Holidays and Be Safe 🙏

Re: Feeling sad

No. They are adults and will make their own decisions. You are not responsible for their choices and really don't have any control over them anyways. Let it go.

Re: Feeling sad

Thank you for replying
Happy Holidays and Stay Safe 🙏