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I need some help from this forum

My name is Keila and I filed for divorce 1 yr and 1/2 ago from my ex that was controlling and an narcissist , the day after I filed for divorce , my sister in law ( my ex sister) called me but I did not answered her call and since than she has not called me ( I was assuming the reason she called is maybe my ex call her to let her know that I filed for divorce)
I was married for 25 yrs.
I have been invited to an family house for the holidays next week and my sister in law will be there too.
Since it has been over a year that I have not seen her since my divorce , I am 100% sure that my sister in law will want to know what exactly happened between my ex and I .
I am assuming that her brother gave her details.
Should I give her details or what should I say?
We usually had a decent relationship between her and I.
I need some ideas from you
Thank you so much 😊

Re: I need some help from this forum

Just keep ‘explanations’ high-level and general. Don’t call him names as she may get angry, being his sister, after all. Just say something like ‘we both wanted different things out of life and I knew that staying would only make us both unhappy, so I made the decision to set us both free.’

Re: I need some help from this forum

Hi Bella
Thank you for you help
Actually I filed for divorce without him knowing I left home because of the threat he did
And he was begging me to come back but I ignored him and since than I never saw him, talked to him and I did not want to confront him because I was scared