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Foreclosure after refusing to refinance as stated in divorce decree

I gave my ex-husband our home in our divorce back in 2004. The divorce decree stated he was to refinance out of my name, but gave no time frame. I saw a lawyer maybe 3 years after the divorce and she said with no time frame, there wasn't much I could do. He moved out of the house, and let his parents move in and take over the payments. When he remarried, he kicked his parents out and moved in with his new wife. They have lived there for at least 3 years now, and never made a payment. I recently saw the foreclosure process has started on my credit report. It's been 17 years now so can I do something about this now after what he's done? They are basically squatting there til they are forced out and he never attempted to refinance. This is stopping me from buying my own home. How do I resolve this?

Re: Foreclosure after refusing to refinance as stated in divorce decree

Consult a lawyer.
Contact Equifax etc and explain. See if they can stop your credit rating being damaged. Speak with the bank.
You might even be able to take out a personal damages lawsuit, given he’s defaulted on the loan for years and hasn’t made 1 payment.