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Re: Sick ex husband

The good hearted person in me would say yes. But my brain would say HELL NO. You don’t owe him anything. Let someone else take care of the disrespectful person he is. I wouldn’t do it no matter how bad I wanted to.

Re: Sick ex husband

Hi Anon
My heart is saying Yes but my brain is not letting me because if I start taking care of him he will take advantage of me and start controlling and manipulating just like when we were together

It makes sense of what you have said even though I do not know why I feel bad by not doing it
Happy Holidays and Be safe

Re: Sick ex husband

Depends on what illness he has,is he bedridden.
work wit his relatives for a Caregiver. I also have a terrible ex husband who is very manipulative an annoying but he also has Diabetes that he does not control, but i would never want to see him bedridden without any care, So it depends on what type of illness he has. Kind Regards Sarah

Re: Sick ex husband

Hi Sarah
Thank you for responding
He have a heart problem for many years ...
But since the divorce happened he had been having health issues such as his legs has been swelled due to his heart condition , he fell once and injured his finger, he had fluid in his lungs due to his COPD (even though he never smoked)
I sometimes think maybe is some type of Karma
All I wish him well and happiness and I am wishing him to find someone else even though he is 64 yrs old to take care of him if some day he becomes bedridden (he is financial well to hire a caregiver too)
Why I still feel sorry for him that all these things happened to him right after I filed for divorce ?
The reason I filed for divorced he is a controlling person and he would get irritated for simple minor stuff I could not handle his anger anymore
I would think that when a person get older they would become calmer, understanding, patience, without holding any grudges, without any anger, without any fights etc...
But not him
He never changed and will never do
I stayed in this marriage because I loved him but unfortunately love was not enough anymore
I want to live in an peacefully way throughout my live I wish he could understand and be that way :(
Take care and be safe 🙏

Re: Sick ex husband

Would he show you the same consideration?

Mine did not .

Re: Sick ex husband

Mine when I was having scans for possible bowel cancer , was texting his slut , found all this out when I saw phone bills , then I had MRI scan and he was doing the same, that’s how worried he was about me , but what I can’t forgive , is yrs earlier our son was having his leg amputated due to cancer , he was 11 and I was with him 70 miles away, in the meantime his father was at home on his iPad trawling no strings attached websites, 😡, it’s bad enough what he did to me, let Alone his own son.
I Found it in his history on his iPad , he of course denied it like he always did, made out I needed psychiatric help and was losing my marbles etc.
I divorced him , that came through in November
Since then , he has had food poisoning, and was allegedly hospitalised over this, since found out all lies, he couldn’t get his story straight .
Had blood clots which was true, now on medication for rest of his life ,
, fell downstairs and injured himself , now they are saying he from his scans must of had a stroke yrs ago, again I don’t know if true , as he is a prolific liar, our sons say he does have bruised ribs and a cut above eye with stitches, it could be true, but for all I know it could be another woman he has had an affair with and husband found out and lumped him one .
I would not wish illness on anyone, but to be honest I don’t feel sorry for him anymore

Re: Sick ex husband

Hi Lisa
Maybe ??
Not sure because he doesn’t have no patience what so ever
He looses his temper for little things
Take care and be safe 🙏
Thank you for replying