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Re: Anxiety and panic attacks this first days after divorce

Hi Jenny

Sorry to hear this , you will get to where you need to be , ie happy,
And you will have days where you just want to crawl away and hide, but I promise you, it will get better.
I was with mine 22 yrs just divorced in November , I feel hopeful for my future and I am 58,
I divorced him due to his cheating and incessant lies.
You will do what you have to do to get by, and soon it’s not getting by , it’s actually feeling better about yourself, it’s about having hope, it’s about , in my case , being treated and valued the way I should be .
I sold my wedding rings and bought another ring , which for me symbolises, a new start , and that I was stronger than I thought , and a reminder to never be treated badly by anyone again, it’s my power ring.
I got my ring December 23rd and I wear it with pride , and it maybe psychological, but I feel it gives me strength .
Find whatever works for you ,
I wish you well in your journey
Much love