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Newly split

Hello everyone. I am dealing with a new separation. My husband and I have been married for 32 years and I’m devistated 😢

Re: Newly split

I’m so sorry you are going through this. I am as well and I know how u feel, it is truly beyond devastating and the pain is so bad I can’t breath at times. But know there is someone praying for you , going through it too ❤️

Re: Newly split

Thank you I will pray for you also. I know exactly what you mean about not being able to breathe at times. Will it ever get better😢

Re: Newly split

I am sorry you are going through this problem
I was married for 34 yrs and divorced for an Year
It is a hard road but you do have to be strong mentally in order to survive of course there are times you will cry but you need to know that life continue take care of yourself maybe is for the best
I am 60 yrs old (how old are you) all I need to do now is to rake care of my health so I can live my life of whatever I have left
Only God knows

You will survive and be happy again
man will never change no matter how long you have been together
In your situation I do not know what happened
What was the reason he decided to separate?
Wish you luck and stay strong

Re: Newly split

I just turned 49. He had a rough year with chronic back pain. He had surgery and it’s better now but he’s been depressed ever since then. He plays poker with a group of guys in town. It was fine when it was once a week but since Covid they also play online and it’s gotten out of hand. It seems to be all he cares about. I have been with him since we were 17. We don’t have kids so there’s a plus but I’m still so afraid to be without him. He has always been so good to me and taken care of me😢

Re: Newly split

You are young
Stay strong
It is hard but you will get through this 🙏
Did he ever told you Why he wants to separate?
I was also going through a tough time but I am living day by day and doing things that keep me busy and happy without thinking about him
Just take care of yourself and do enjoy doing things that you always wanted to do
Maybe he just want some time away and than he will realize that he made a mistake
You never know
Take care

Re: Newly split

You are in a great age! you say he took care of you...did he really though?
You are stronger than you think. You just need to find your sea legs and get out there, figure out what you like, who you are without him.
Do you work, or did he take care of you in that way? If you never worked, I get the fear. But, you can do it, and will get through this.
Good luck