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Feeling very scared and unsure . I’ve been married for 20 years . We have 4 young kids. Since my husband and I hit our 40”s there was such a change .he just wants to go out every other night partying. So we separated for a month. After that time he said that he had time to reflect and he wants to start a new “journey” in life and doesn’t want to be married any more. I feel so lost as to how to I start to live this single mother life. I want to be sooo strong for them but inside I am falling apart . I can’t even begin to picture my life without him. But I know that filing for divorce is the next logical step.

Re: Divorce

Unfortunately, this sounds like a classic case of midlife crisis on his part. If he’s out partying regularly; chances are he’s going to find a new partner pretty soon. Seek legal advice ASAP. Protect your assets and interests. Don’t let him start spending your joint money on ‘tarts!’ Open a separate bank account. Realistically consider if you will need to move out of the family home in a divorce settlement situation. If so-where will you go/how will you fund bills etc?

Get busy. Get ****** off with him. Grieve later. Empower yourself by finding out your legal and financial rights. Talk with a psychologist if emotions become overwhelming.

So sorry you’re going through this…🙏