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New Year, New Start

Big shout out to everyone on what is another one of the key dates .

Well we all got Christmas out of the way and we survived , we are all on different part of the journey , so whether , it was through tears, anger, sadness , acceptance, , we all survived.
We all did it and are now approaching the New Year, whether you cope by going to bed early, or defiantly raising a glass to a New and better Year, or sitting in quiet contemplation , whatever works for you
Know this you are not alone , you are stronger than you think, you have already proved this , and you will continue to do this.
A new start for all you beautiful ladies , make those goals, start putting your hopes and dreams into reality , and put the love and effort into yourself .

Happy New 2022 to you all

You got this,
Much love ❤️ Di

Re: New Year, New Start

What a lovely post Di. I second it: 🦋

Re: New Year, New Start

Thanks for you beautiful and well said words
Happy New Year to Everyone in this forum
Wishing you all healthy, happiness and strength ✌️🤗🙏