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Q regarding Spouse Stock/Retirement

Hey everybody! I have a few Q's...

First, let me lay out the scene a little.

I'm in my mid 40's and he's in his early 60's. He works for a very profitable company and has a good bit in stock 401k. We are in Alabama and have been married 20+ years. Divorce is amicable and we have no kids.

I can't touch his pension until I reach retirement age, right? Basically, I'd be waiting 20+ years, correct?

So... He's offering me a lump sum outright vs. me taking my portion of his pension when the time comes. I would also forfeit the alimony that we agreed on for six years (not a huge amt).

Yes, I would overall get less but... I would also get it now. And he would carry 100k life ins on himself for the next 6 years with me as beneficiary.

Either way, he will take the house and all debts except my vehicle.


Re: Q regarding Spouse Stock/Retirement


I was told that I would have access to my ex-husband's pension when HE retires and begins accessing it.

It sounds like a big decision. Is someone helping you with this information? Your attorney, financial advisor?

I would feel better making this type of decision with some professional input.

Good luck!