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Re: Spouse or Parents

Hi, So…are you saying that your husband is being mean and verbally aggressive to your father who, by no fault of his own, has become disabled and no longer can walk from the sitting room to the kitchen to eat his meals? And that your father is not being obstinate or difficult, but rather he just can’t physically do it? If so…your husband is an **** who should be taught a lesson about elder abuse: Irrespective of culture…he’s being mean to an elderly man!?!

You shouldn’t be forced into a situation of feeling like you have to choose between your parents and your husband :(

How about a compromise? Buy your father a walking aid to ease his walking from his bedroom or put a small dining table in his bedroom so he can eat there? Why exactly does your husband object so much to your father eating in his room? If your husband doesn’t like him, surely not having him in your dining room is ‘better’ for your husband?

I’m not sure the issue is worth divorcing over, but certainly a very frank discussion needs to take place between the both of you.

Re: Spouse or Parents

Thanks for the reply. I really have no friends that i can discuss this with. Anyway. My dad has dystonia-parkinson and diabetes. And walking to the bathroom which is only a few feet away from the room is a struggle. He has an electric wheelchair he sometimes used. He goes to the dining room sometimes. But there are times when he have a hard time so he eats in the room. I work night shift and at night his blood sugar goes down. So the food thats in his room are snacks for night time. Im torn. Because my husband says he is doing everything for my parents. He is being aggressive verbally to my parents. I cant leave them. Im the only family they have here in america. They dont work. They dont have a house. My parents helps me with my kids and other stuff too. I googled it about choosing husband over parents. How can i choose my husband over my parents? My kids see how their dad treats my parents and they are sad because of that.