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Needing your wisdom

I found out that my ex husband of only a year (we were married 20yrs & together for almost 25)is engaged (mine you to a girl he meet 3 weeks after we split up so I know he’s not dealt with the hurt, pain & everything else that goes with that). But if I’m being honest I’m feeling some kind of way about his engagement…not because I want him back. I’m in a healthy loving relationship. So I don’t know why I have feelings about it. Maybe a part of it is he never got down on one knee & proposed to me, maybe it’s feeding into the feelings I always had about never being good enough for him.
So I need your wisdom & advice of how to get out of my feelings about this, why is it bothering me & how can I get so it doesn’t.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Re: Needing your wisdom


I think it is normal to feel how you feel. But, don't dwell on it. I would focus on feeling sorry for the poor woman who is willing to marry him!

All the best :)

Re: Needing your wisdom

Thank you Kelly for the response…it’s like the saying goes- “time doesn’t heal all, it’s what you do during that time”