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Having anxiety attacks starting divorce process

Hello Just starting process.Married for 30 years and every aspect of the domestic violence wheel pertains to me.... He is scaring me about not being able to do this on my own he is "tired of spoon feeding me". I can't breath it's debilitation and my therapist says it's tramabonding....

Re: Having anxiety attacks starting divorce process

I am in the same boat. I have moment where I am spiraling out of control. I feeling like a boat could sail down my stream of tears.
The Calm app has been my friend today.
Same with a cold towel on the back of my neck.
We are going to get through this and be stronger women in the long run.

Re: Having anxiety attacks starting divorce process

I feel you’r pain I really do there’s days I thunk I’m going to explode with anxiety
It’s such hard process but your alive read lots I find helps me an if u don’t like reading try audio books u tube diff things