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Re: We are just so different

I think I can relate. I have a very hard marriage. I am young 19 and he is 26 but we’ve been married for over a year. Not a long time but I think it’s enough to see that we aren’t right for each other. He doesn’t open up to me at all either he’s very defensive/offensive when having conversations about our marriage. I tell him what he does that hurts me and he basically just yells at me cusses at me and tells me I’m psycho crazy ***** etc… he hurts me inside so bad. Sometimes physically as well he hates when I cry it makes him angry and he hits me etc. I don’t know what to do. I’m in such a bad spot I’m emotionally damaged I feel so sad and hurt I’m constantly sobbing all day. I’m very hurt because he’s always finding his happiness in his business/work and money/success is the most important thing to him. He’s made it very clear that he would never give up his business for a normal job for me. That’s where he finds his happiness. I know I’m sensitive and need a lot but he doesn’t give me the love that I need at all. It’s getting worse by the day. I love him and don’t want to leave but all I do is cry I’m constantly having my heart broken by him. I think I’m coming to terms that I just need to leave and be on my own but it’s so hard…. I don’t really have any family and haven’t spoken to them or friends since We got married. I had a tough childhood and life growing up. I’m so broken hearted. But I don’t even know where to start. I have nothing and nobody. Literally no one. He was my everything since I turned 18.