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Re: Help… I need support

Sorry for all the typos… I was writing it fast because I kind of poured my heart out.

Re: Help… I need support

We also haven’t had much of a sex life at all for months because I’m so hurt by him I can’t let him in and the thought of having sex makes me uncomfortable and sad. When we used to have sex I would be left very sad afterwards. It was not intimate or emotional at all it was just him getting off. Sometimes he talks me into giving him BJ’s but that’s about it. I don’t even like doing that because I feel so used and it just makes me sad that our relationship has turned out this way. I also don’t want to give him what he wants when all I get from him is a place to live and a broken heart. I don’t even spend any money or go out and do anything. I have no car or anything.

Re: Help… I need support

Hi Sarah,

So sorry that you are going through this.
This does not sound like a healthy relationship, especially if he is flat out telling you that his business is more important than you are.

I think talking to a professional would be helpful for you. Talking to a professional and working through your feelings, discussing your choices would be helpful.

Do you have insurance? Can you pay for a therapist? You can access virtual therapy online. Is there a pastor that you can talk to or resources through your church if you have one.

I know you said your mother is "busy", but she is still your mother. Do you have a good relationship with her? Can you go stay with her for a while? Reach out to her for some support, she's your mother is it not unreasonable to expect her to support you.

Good luck!

Re: Help… I need support

No it’s not healthy at all... i’ve expressed how i’ve felt very clearly and cried to him over the past month but he laughs it off saying i’m dramatic, crazy, etc. I’ve gotten to the point where i just stay in my room and avoid talking to him at all costs. My mother and I have never had a good relationship she always had something against me since i was very young. She would let me stay with her for a little bit but not for long. i think i’m going to work on getting an online job and saving up some money. Then moving on with my life... I’m deeply devastated that my husband who I thought deeply loved and cared for me has turned out this. I’m so heartbroken. I’ve kept up hope for a while that he would get better but he’s just gotten worse and worse. We’re live in separate worlds pretty much. He refuses to see my feelings and what he does as reality. We don’t have insurance but i’m scared of going to therapy anyways because he’s very manipulative and the charming type of person, so i’m afraid he would just manipulate the therapist into making me look bad and like i’m crazy or dramatic like he tries to tell me. I don’t think there’s any help for this. The only way this could work is if he changes a lot and shows me that he’s not the person that he’s been. But I don’t think that’s going to happen. Thank you for your response it means a lot. I need someone to understand what i’m going through and what i’m dealing with. I don’t really have anybody.