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Still thinking about my ex

I have been divorced for a year now after a 34 yrs marriage
Even though I am the one that filed for divorce why am I still thinking about my ex ??
I could not handle his anger, outbursts, maddens , controlling ways, yelling for Things that was not worth getting mad about it
He has no one to be with anymore not even my kids don’t want anything to do with their after he treated them the same way

I know at his age (64yrs old) will be hard to find someone to take care of him and put up at his personality
I heard from friends that since the divorce happened he has been sick, depressed, lonely etc....

My friends and family are very happy for me that I made this decision because they all knew how he was they cannot believed how I survived living with him for 34yrs

I wish him Well and hopefully he will find someone to take care of him for the rest of his life

How can I forget and not think about him even though I am surrounded by dear friends and families ???

Re: Still thinking about my ex

Good for you for leaving! I'm glad you have the support of friends and family. It is normal that you think of him, he was a big part of your life for a long time. Believe me, it will pass.

He's a grown man, how about he takes care of himself. We take care of ourselves, maybe they can too.

It's okay to feel sorry for him, but don't let that change your choices. He made choices and decisions throughout your marriage that resulted in your leaving; sometimes people just have to live with the consequences of their actions.

Good luck and take care of you!