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I'm so depressed. I don't have any motivation. I haven't been eating or I eat very little. I just started on an antidepressant. I don't know how to get out of this funk.

Re: Depressed


I am so sorry that you are going through this. I am glad you have started treatment. My only advice is to get all the professional/informed support that you can. Do you have a therapist? Depression support group?

Wishing you all the best!

Re: Depressed

I am seeing a therapist. And I have been talking to family and friends.

Re: Depressed

Hello :)

Well, I feel it’s positive that you recognise the feeling and are reaching out for support.

Was it an event or lonliness, something health or job-related, financially-related etc that triggered the depression, or a gradual slide into it?

The depression is not you…it’s a reaction to circumstances and with support, can be overcome, so please don’t lose hope. Many people going through depression describe feeling ‘empty,’ ‘tired,’ like ‘there’s no point to anything’ and that their world seems ‘black.’

If you manage to get out of bed and t dressed-that in itself is a good achievement. Take small steps forward every day. One day at a time. Think about how your body is feeling. Depression can rob self-care-so, think about not just your brain/your emotions, but how you are physically too. What’s your breathing like? How steady is your heartbeat? If you try to achieve 1 new thing today -such as reading a chapter of a book, or cooking a meal, or going for a walk- what do you think that could be?

The brain can go into a negative mode of thinking. It can default to ‘I want to lie on the couch, eat chips and watch Netflix all day’ over and over, whereas going out into the fresh air, taking a walk and practice listening out for nature, can actually nourish the mind and soul.

Break up your normal routine. Challenge yourself to try something (safe) and different! Also, speak with your doctor about getting some medication. It’s totally ok, not to feel ok! Just as long as it doesn’t begin to creep into consuming ‘you’ until you feel the original you has all but disappeared.

You ARE enough. You are a unique, special individual who deserves to thrive again. It can take some time and guidance though, so take baby steps, remind yourself this is not forever and this is just one chapter only, in your overall ‘book’ of life :)

Be kind and gentle to yourself. Celebrate any small, positive rays of hope and ambition and speak with a qualified psychologist and your doctor.

Hang in there ‘M.’ “This too shall pass…” 🌸