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I have no one to talk to and need advice

I am going through a divorce. My first court date is scheduled for this Friday 2/11. My best friend and I had a falling out last month so my main support system is gone. I feel lonely and have no one to talk and vent. I been separated from my husband since June. I left because I couldn’t handle the emotional and verbal abuse and other things like my constant weight issue that bothered him and constantly putting the blame on me that the marriage has failed. So I decided to walk in June. But for some reason since my court date is coming up soon why do I keep thinking to myself if I am making the right choice or not?

My soon to be ex husband has been constantly rubbing it in my face the woman he is dating or one woman I may add and for some reason I do feel jealous now.

I ask
Myself am I making the right choice and should I still proceed?

Re: I have no one to talk to and need advice


I am sorry that you are having a challenging time right now. I can't speak to what you should do, but if he is already dating someone, then maybe that is your answer.

Stay strong, you left for a reason. I know it is scary, but don't go back to a bad and abusive situation. I understand the unknown is scary but you are now able to make positive choices for yourself.

Take care of you!

Re: I have no one to talk to and need advice

It sounds like you were in an an unhealthy and abusive relationship. Your ex husband sounds selfish and like he doesn’t really care for you. I know that’s hard to hear but I understand because i’m in the same boat. If you’ve tried therapy and prayer or counseling with a pastor then yes you are making the right choice. He’s hurt you and if he knows that’s why you want to leave, then if he wants you to stay he would do something about it. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. I’m heartbroken as well by my husband from emotional and verbal abuse and am considering divorce myself.

Re: I have no one to talk to and need advice

Hi HM. How did your court date go? Are you ok?

I echo what the other 2 previous posters have stated: The fact he already has a girlfriend, even before the divorce hearing has taken place, says it all…

Move on and move up. You deserve sooooooo much better and heaps more respect than that πŸŒΈπŸ™

Re: I have no one to talk to and need advice

Hi HM. I’m sorry you are alone. I am in the same boat. Would you like to come in my boat, then we won’t be alone anymore….πŸ˜€. I’m scared to death to make the first move, you are so brave to have already done that. I’m proud of you. Im Denise and I am here if you need a friend. ✌️