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Looking for professional women in MD going through divorce to share experiences and tips

Hi! I am a professional mother of 3 small children embarking on what is looking to be a pretty acrimonious divorce. I wanted to reach out and see if there are other women with a similar profile in Maryland (Montgomery or Howard County) going through something similar to share experiences/resources/tips!


Re: Looking for professional women in MD going through divorce to share experiences and tips

I just finalized my divorce Friday and I live in Anne Arundel county. It still hurts I can feel
Your paid I am here to talk

Re: Looking for professional women in MD going through divorce to share experiences and tips

Hi. I live in Montgomery County - North Potomac, and I am on the verge of having my husband of 40 years walk out on me. He wants to be "single" and can't quite decide if he wants a divorce, a separation or a living arrangement that will work for him. Needless to say - this came out of no where and as my note says - I was blindsided. As horrible and as demeaning as he has treated me thus far, I still have feelings for him. You have a different situation as you have children involved and that makes it all the harder to go through. I had gone to a group called Divorce.Com and if you'd like to check it out, just google them. There is also a group called Circles which is also helpful. I've been reading a lot of books on divorce and separation and from what I've read thus far - it takes years to get over the pain and desertion. My husband deserted me and lives in New Jersey near my daughter. He is honoring me with his presence this week because he's driving down for business. What I need to do is practice my breathing skills that took me so long to learn. Breathing slowly and deliberately really makes a difference. If you want to chat some more - just let me know. You are most definitely NOT ALONE. Wendy

Re: Looking for professional women in MD going through divorce to share experiences and tips

Hi Wendy
My therapist recommended a book for me on divorce. And I am seeing a therapist
It is hard cause I been married 14 years but no children. I would separate first because during that time you can gain your freedom and start the grieving process. Keeping busy and being in nature has helped me. I would tell him to separate then if he doesn’t change his mind file the papers. I know this is hard and it will be down the road.