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36 years of misery- time to go

I’m totally ready to leave - doing my research first though before filing. I’d be going out if it wasn’t for the pandemic and not to “hook up” but to meet people and enjoy life again.

Re: 36 years of misery- time to go

What is missing in your life that you are ready to leave a 36 years of marriage ?
How old are you and why you Stayed in this misery for so long ?
Maybe you can safe your marriage once you both go to a therapist ?
Hopefully you will not regretted it 36yrs is part of your life that made you stay for that long

(I would understand if it is emotional, physical abuse involved)

Re: 36 years of misery- time to go

Hi Bella,

Good for you! Life is too short to stay miserable.
you can do it, best of luck!


Re: 36 years of misery- time to go

Hi Bella, good luck.

Re: 36 years of misery- time to go

Hi. I’m miserable too. I’m married to a apathetic zombie. He has no feelings. No sex in 8 years… I don’t even get kisses unless I ask for one. I’m so done. The kids turn 18 in 1 1/2 years…. My sentence is over. Thank God….I would rather live in a tent ⛺️