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Most Difficult Marriage

Hi Everyone

My name is Megan, I am 30 years of age, I have been married for 4 years..We have 3 beautiful daughters ages 5,3 and a baby of 5 months..Eversince I met my husband, he has been drinking on weekends, going out with friends and coming home very late..He used to pick fights with me when he comes home late, bit lately he is very calm and has started to drink less aswell..I am always trying to be the perfect mom and wife so I always stay home,take care of my kids and the house..He hardly invites me with him when he goes somewhere..He is always aggressive..Nothing that I do is right in his eyes and he is always the right one..I cannot communicate with him because I am too scared that I will say something that will make him mad an yell at me or throw something..I'm most of the times nervous almost the entire day and always try to walk on my toes with him..I used to be the one working alone and had a very great job that paid me good, but he dragged me into staff that made me loose my job..now we are both unemployed..I was very depressed after loosing my job but I pulled myself together when I realized that I was expecting our 3rd baby..financially we are still surviving because we sold some property that I purchased when I was still working..I am really trying my best to find work again..My hope is to start a new life alone with my 3 kids, but for now I don't have any money to do that..wishing on a job soon..What do you suggest should I do? What do you think of my situation? I have praid and praid but I realized that he will never change..I want to be happy

Re: Most Difficult Marriage


I'm so sorry that you are going through this. You are right, he is not going to change. Not without some hard work and acknowledgement on his part that he needs to change.

He sounds alot like my ex-, I jumped through hoops every day to keep him from losing his temper and blowing up at me for nothing. I'll tell you that it is no way to live.

Good luck finding a job for yourself. Now, counseling did help me learn how to deal with him, to stop reacting to him and to stop accepting his behavior.

Good luck!

Re: Most Difficult Marriage

Thank you Kelly
I have googled Narcissist, it's totally who and what he is..He recently asked me not to post pictures of us anymore on social media because people that are jealous can have a negative effect on us, however I just think he started with his old tricks again..I was pregnant with our first daughter when I found out he has been chatting with other girls telling them that I am his sister and he is staying with his sister..I don't have any trust in him..and a relationship without trust is nothing..

Re: Most Difficult Marriage

there is no question that this marriage is unhealthy for you and your kids - I hope you find the path out very soon.

Re: Most Difficult Marriage

Does anyone know a trusted legit fundraiser site where I can raise funds to ba able to afford an attorney to divorce and start a new life with my 3 beautiful daughters?

Re: Most Difficult Marriage

I'm so sorry you are going through this. Try researching your city for free legal services. My ex emptied our checking account and I had to get a restraining order against him because of
physical abuse. My city offered free services to help me get a restraining order. Good luck!