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Divorced for 2 yrs

I have been divorced for 2 yrs now the reason I decided to end a 28 years marriage because he was a sociopath , narcissist and now he wants to be friends ...we have not seen or spoken since the divorce was filed which is 2 years ago.
I do not want to be friends with an ex-husband
Is it a good idea ?????
Am I being rude or inconsiderate ?
People that care about me is begging me not to be his friend either
I just need some output from the forum
Thank you
God Bless

Re: Divorced for 2 yrs

You describe him as a sociopath and narcissistic which aren’t the type of attributes one would look for in a friend. What’s in it for him? Why now after 2 years. Lots of red flags here,! Loneliness can cloud our judgement. Find friends who value and appreciate the special person you are. You’ve been brave to end this distructive marriage. My advise close the door forever.

Re: Divorced for 2 yrs

Hello Winnie
Thank you for responding and suggestions
You are right
As much as it hurts me
I do feel sorry for him because no one would put up with him anyway ....he has no one , no family member nothing
But he had hurt me more
I just wish him well and I will continue living my life
And I wish he will leave me alone

Re: Divorced for 2 yrs

I divorced my husband last year , it was finalised in November, the same as yours , a complete Narcissist etc.
Even though I get lonely sometimes, I am far far happier without him, I get anxious if I know he is coming to pick up our 20 yr old sons , I cannot stand to look at him, so I make sure I am out, I won’t let him in the house.
In his head he probably thinks everything is hunky Dory ,
I suspect he is sad , sad that he does not have a hold on me anymore,
You see they are great manipulators, your ex probably can’t stand the fact that you had the nerve to divorce him, mine I think is still in shock that I did it , I warned him I would do it if he cheated on me again , he had always manipulated his way out of the mess and hurt that he caused.
Your ex is probably feeling sad , sad that he cannot control or manipulate you, he has probably not met anyone that has stayed with him , and he probably cannot stand the thought of you with someone else.
Don’t do it , keep well away , because before you know it , you will be sucked back in, you divorced him because of his behaviour, and the way that he made you feel.
Not only that Divorce is a pretty painful thing to go through , do you want all of that pain to be for nothing ?
I am beginning to rebuild my confidence , I sure as hell do not want to give my ex the slightest chance to worm his way back in , I don’t want to go back to feeling like crap about myself
You have a chance to be treated with respect and to be comfortable in your own skin .
By going back to even just be friends , is again doing things that they want, doing things on their terms , they will make out that it’s because they want your friendship , but the only person they are interested in , is themselves.
Keep rebuilding your new life , and don’t look back
Much love xxxx

Re: Divorced for 2 yrs

Hi Diane
Thank you for replying
When I filed for divorce 2yrs ago he was shocked and confused because I did not even warned him that I was filing for divorce
In his mind he never ever believed that I would divorced him
He does not even know Why? I did that
I just stoped talking to him and without any explanation I left him and filed for divorce unexpectedly
It does seem cruel 😐 but if anyone know what a narcissist person is ...would do the same thing probably
Wish you luck 🤗