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Re: Divorced for 2 yrs

I divorced my husband last year , it was finalised in November, the same as yours , a complete Narcissist etc.
Even though I get lonely sometimes, I am far far happier without him, I get anxious if I know he is coming to pick up our 20 yr old sons , I cannot stand to look at him, so I make sure I am out, I won’t let him in the house.
In his head he probably thinks everything is hunky Dory ,
I suspect he is sad , sad that he does not have a hold on me anymore,
You see they are great manipulators, your ex probably can’t stand the fact that you had the nerve to divorce him, mine I think is still in shock that I did it , I warned him I would do it if he cheated on me again , he had always manipulated his way out of the mess and hurt that he caused.
Your ex is probably feeling sad , sad that he cannot control or manipulate you, he has probably not met anyone that has stayed with him , and he probably cannot stand the thought of you with someone else.
Don’t do it , keep well away , because before you know it , you will be sucked back in, you divorced him because of his behaviour, and the way that he made you feel.
Not only that Divorce is a pretty painful thing to go through , do you want all of that pain to be for nothing ?
I am beginning to rebuild my confidence , I sure as hell do not want to give my ex the slightest chance to worm his way back in , I don’t want to go back to feeling like crap about myself
You have a chance to be treated with respect and to be comfortable in your own skin .
By going back to even just be friends , is again doing things that they want, doing things on their terms , they will make out that it’s because they want your friendship , but the only person they are interested in , is themselves.
Keep rebuilding your new life , and don’t look back
Much love xxxx

Re: Divorced for 2 yrs

Hi Diane
Thank you for replying
When I filed for divorce 2yrs ago he was shocked and confused because I did not even warned him that I was filing for divorce
In his mind he never ever believed that I would divorced him
He does not even know Why? I did that
I just stoped talking to him and without any explanation I left him and filed for divorce unexpectedly
It does seem cruel 😐 but if anyone know what a narcissist person is ...would do the same thing probably
Wish you luck 🤗