Womans Divorce Forum

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Chat certainly needs to be monitored

I don't know if this chat site is monitored by anyone but it certainly should be. I reached out for the first time here recently and the first response was from someone who had nothing but callous judgements to share, knowing nothing about my history or background of my situation. Claiming someone is blame throwing and challenging their "victim" status is not kind, necessary, or helpful. I assume that the people who come here do so in order to share their own stories or to read others' stories so as to maybe gain a little help or perspective, not to be called out for issues that may not have been explained in great detail because there's may just be too much to include. Whoever reads this post, please take a moment to consider why we're ALL here, not just why YOU'RE here. To those who are genuinely struggling and not just looking for someone to tear into because they can't do that in the real world, please be kind. I would guess this site exists to help not hurt. I for one pray for whoever needs a kind word, maybe a little advice, and for you to be guided through your struggles and pain in the healthiest ways.