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I don’t undersrand

I was in a common law marriage for 18 yrs, he cheated with a trashy girl literally has a rep in her town, then begged to come back when he was busted.. I was dumb enough to let him back home and now I busted a second time same trashy girl and he leaves me with our home and daughter. He changed his phone number has not bothered to reach out about his daughter. I am so confused and want to understand why he would betray his family for someone that is just temporary

Re: I don’t undersrand

Hi Mary,

It's really unfortunate that he doesn't know what he's got until it's gone. I caution you that he'll likely be back again when she's moved on again. You are better than that and should look after you and your daughter. You have enough love for the both of you! Also, surround yourself with people that love and appreciate you! He's shown his true colors.