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Is it consider normal ?

My name is Maria and I have been married for 35 years
When we argue or fight my husband (he Is an controlling person) likes to call me names such Grow up, piece of ****, get out from my house etc...when this happen I walk away so I do not have to put up with his yelling and outburst
Is it normal for a husband to say this words ?most of these kind arguments happen every 3 months or so and is always the same reason (he always want me to agree with him even when he is wrong)
He thinks by not agreeing with him I am not in his side...
I cannot handle him anymore
He will not change I know
I cannot talk to him about any arguments that arises because he looses control (he goes crazy)
I do not know what to do anymore
He does not believe in couple therapy either
For him is waste of time and money
I do not know if I can continue living this way
I want and need peace in my life
I am not getting younger either
I will be 64 yrs old
Thank God in good health So far ...
I just have high blood pressure for now
My kids is telling me to leave him, which sometimes I feel leaving him but it is a long marriage
I am not afraid to live alone but I do not know I cannot or have the guts to leave him
Maybe because I have empathy towards him because his health is not so great
Gracias for reading my story

Re: Is it consider normal ?

Hi Maria,

No it is not normal, acceptable nor okay for him to treat you this way. It is telling that your children are encouraging you to leave him.

When I divorced my controlling, verbally abusive husband, I was so happy. So, so happy to be able to live in peace in my own home! There was no better feeling.

Don't feel sorry for him, he doesn't feel sorry for you when he is verbally abusing you. He has made his bed, so to speak.

Life is too short to be unhappy. Go for it!

Good luck,

Re: Is it consider normal ?

Thank you for answering
Why I still love him even though he treat me like this.?.?

Re: Is it consider normal ?

I don't know, but you can still love him and also choose a better situation for yourself.

You can choose a divorce and to not live with him anymore; and you could still see him and maintain a relationship with him. Just because you divorce him doesn't mean you'll never see him again. Alot of that would depend on him and the choices that he makes.

After I filed for divorce, my ex- finally went for the therapy that had been recommended to him repeatedly, he's on appropriate medication. He and I are able to have a positive relationship, spend time together with our children.

Good luck and all the best!

Re: Is it consider normal ?

Thanks again 🤗