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Husband left 2 months ago. I am so incredibly sad and need help.

I am in need of help/support. My husband left two months ago, said he was unhappy. We have a 10 year old and an 8 year old, both boys. He doesn't want to be with me and wants a divorce. I can't eat, sleep, go through one day without crying. I need support/help/anything.

Re: Husband left 2 months ago. I am so incredibly sad and need help.

Hi Jasmine. I’m so sorry you’re in such pain. I’m right there with you. You’ll find my story just above yours here in the blog. The pain heartache causes is unbearable. No one has been able to help alleviate it for me at all. Everyone is different in how they grieve so don’t ever be ashamed to let your feelings out on whatever way you can (as long as you’re not hurting yourself or others of course).

The only things keeping me going are my children and thoughts of reconciling; even though I know deep down that won’t/shouldn’t happen, it still feels good to have hope instead of constant hopelessness. I KNOW it will be difficult but getting into therapy as soon as I could, finding in-person/virtual support groups, and taking classes helps tremendously!

I’ve heard it takes 1 month for every year of being in a relationship to emotionally move on from someone; but in my experience it takes so much longer :/ Some things that help distract my thoughts are reading, exercising, playing games, painting, cooking, gardening, movies, and spending time with friends and family. But the best help has been therapy, support groups, taking classes and best of all: being out in nature!

“Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.” An NPR piece said doctors are now prescribing time in state parks :) I really like nature centers, paved trails along rivers and my personal favorite: fall and winter camping (cold weather camping to avoid people).

There is nothing better than waking up in total isolation or with my children, to a rising sun, low fog blanketing our untouched pristine earth while drinking a hot cup of coffee, breathing in the smell of a campfire, listening to the birds sing and critters rustling about. You can almost breathe the peace and serenity in.

Do you enjoy being in nature?

Re: Husband left 2 months ago. I am so incredibly sad and need help.

How do you calculate 1 month for every year ?
If I have been married for 30 years
That’s mean it take 3 years to get over an ex
Is that correct ?
Thanks ☺️ 😬

Re: Husband left 2 months ago. I am so incredibly sad and need help.

30 months; so 2.5 years. I’m not sure who came up with that, but I feel it’s just a guideline. Some people may take more time while others take less. I’ve always had a big heart and get so emotionally attached that it’s very difficult to separate from someone :/

Re: Husband left 2 months ago. I am so incredibly sad and need help.

My ex husband left me after 27 years of marriage, I am so lost and depressed, and want to take my life. My children don't even talk to me anymore because he has turned my children against me. This came about while I was trying to better myself, he took up a relationship with another woman. I was devastated, humiliated, embarrassed, my now ex-husband falsely called the police on me, not to mention he secretly put a restraining order on me, which was thrown out of court. My ex call the police on me , after inviting me to his brother house for me to hand him some annuity papers with my signature, then he called the police on me to have me arrestd, this could have destroyed me after working so hard to become a nurse, his lies almost ruined my life. but didn't because, when the judge asked the question to my ex, why did you put a restraining order on your wife? his answer was; "she is following me!!!! I turned and looked at him, my lawyer looked at him, and the judge looked at him crazily. I was dumb founded that he would put a restaining order on me secretly then call me over his brother house, and call the police to have me locked up, to show his mistress that I was a girlfriend, he lied to me and I dont know if this woman knew we were married. but later, she helped him with our divorced. I was so hurt by this man, it was like he was a stranger treating me this way, Nevertheless we are divorce,but damaged from all of the lies, manipulation, and deceit. I dont know what to do, I am so lost.