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Re: Still thinking about my ex

Hi Francis. I’m sorry you’re still thinking of your ex. Does it cause you pain, sadness, or depression in anyway? Do you long to be with him, miss the good times, wonder about the what-ifs? Or do you just find your thoughts wonder to him and feel bad for leaving him?

I’ve heard it takes 1 month for every year of being in a relationship to emotionally move on from someone; but in my experience it takes so much longer :/ Some things that help distract my thoughts are reading, exercising, playing games, painting, cooking, gardening, movies, and spending time with friends and family. But the best help has been therapy, support groups, taking classes and best of all: being out in nature!

“Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical wellbeing, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones.” An NPR piece said doctors are now prescribing time in state parks :) I really like nature centers, paved trails along rivers and my personal favorite: fall and winter camping (cold weather camping to avoid people).

There is nothing better than waking up in total isolation to a rising sun, low fog blanketing our untouched pristine earth while drinking a hot cup of coffee, breathing in the smell of a campfire, listening to the birds sing and critters rustling about. You can almost breathe the peace and serenity in.

Do you enjoy being in nature?

Re: Still thinking about my ex


You are beautiful. Please don't do this to yourself. Please think about you can give love and have love.

Please email angeerwin5@gmail.com

Re: Still thinking about my ex

Hello Sarah
Thank you for responding
I do not feel bad living him but I feel Sorry and Sad for him and I am hoping that he will find someone to take care of him so he will not feel lonely and I am against being “friends” with ex husband ...it will never work for me
Either you stay with your husband or stay out of his life

I do like to read books
I like to walk
Every other week either my kids will visit me or I will go to their house
I love to watch Netflix at night time
I do keep myself busy to distract myself by not thinking about him
Sometimes I wonder if he was able to find someone that will take care of him if he does for sure I will be happy and for sure I will not have to think about him anymore
Why? I feel this way even though I do not want him in my LIFE