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Re: Cheating abusive husband puts me in jail and takes my children then files for divorce

Wow, all I can say is I am so sorry you are going through this. I cannot relate to your story, but I can relate to the pain, fear, sadness of trying to start over. I imagine everything you are going through is overwhelming. It sounds like a lot and would be difficult for anyone. When I am in that place of sadness and despair and feel that I just cannot go on, I do what I can in the moment to take care of myself, acknowledge my emotions, and just take one step at a time. You will get through this. Right now you are in the worst of it, but like in the past, it will get better. When you feel like you cannot do anything, then don't do anything in that moment and do what you can. Feelings, while powerful, are temporary. Give yourself time to feel what you need and accept where you are, and when you are ready you will know the next step to take. Take care of yourself and I truly hope your situation gets better.

Re: Cheating abusive husband puts me in jail and takes my children then files for divorce

Thank you so very much for your kind words. I will do my absolute best to remember them.

Re: Cheating abusive husband puts me in jail and takes my children then files for divorce

Maybe it’s time to take some responsibility for your codependency and when u do ur world will change. He sounds like my husband.

Re: Cheating abusive husband puts me in jail and takes my children then files for divorce

Inresponse thru your horrible xperience against your Ex husband had been happening to all women who is helpless to combat heir fears over bullies,lies & allegations.All you need is to get a custody protection from the DAV domestic violence hotline just search on the internet and their options that you can stays in a shelter to make you alive and get up after the storm.Stay calm,think about some helps that the Government offering you.Join some job trainig workshops that can lessen your thoughts & emotions about your past.Be helthy & be happy as Life's go on.Just Move On.Talk to your Lawyers,Cops & other resources to give you compensation about your Life in Crisis.They really helps.You can live with you and your children without a Father.They call you a "Single Mom" it really works as every one of US.I am hoping this help you in a little way I can:-))))).

Re: Cheating abusive husband puts me in jail and takes my children then files for divorce

This title fits my situation perfect. Ill read your story, I hope you are doing good

Re: Cheating abusive husband puts me in jail and takes my children then files for divorce

I went through the same thing. Around Christmas things were not good. He left me and my kids that week. He told them on face time we were getting divorced. Then when he came back I slapped him on the arm and he called the police, pressed charges, filed divorce and put a PO on me. I also have two children. I managed to work overtime and get my own place within two months and a new job. The experience is still very painful. I have a lawyer but going through this has been very expensive and painful too for the kids. I don’t know what lies ahead but I’m here for you. Just be strong and work hard. Pray. Keep the faith. See your kids when you can and let them know how much you love them. Take care of yourself too!