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So lost at this new life

In a nutshell, after 17 years of marriage…he cheated (I believe with more than 1 person). He then got really sick and it ended up being a brain tumor from metastatic melanoma. I was so confused because I hated this man..yet he had a stage 4 Cancer diagnosis. We tried to work it out, 2 years of hell/him moving in with friends/back at home living in separate bedrooms..both realizing I’m just with him because he’s sick. He finally moved out in November..he is giving me alimony until August..we have an 18 yr old that lives with me. But, he is dragging his feet filing the divorce papers..ignores my texts, his attorney (a close friend of his) isn’t returning my attorney’s calls and messages. It’s such a mess. He is also giving me the house…which is a blessing and a curse. If I don’t find a better job I’m not going to be able to afford living here. I’m just so lost and stressed. I’ve lost 18lbs since January. Im starting to make rash decisions to make me feel better in the moment..like dating someone I’m not sure about. It’s all just a mess. I’ve isolated myself alot and don’t have much of a support system. I’m in Philadelphia if anyone is local I’d love to connect.

Re: So lost at this new life

How confusing a situation for you: Torn feelings. I think it's a positive step that you've realised you're only still hanging on in the relationship because of his illness. It sounds as if you both battled on trying to work out whether to stay together for those 2 years, but things didn't work out. It's sad that he developed cancer, but ultimately, it sounds as if the relationship has met its conclusion. You can potentially part as friends, but perhaps no more. It's generous that he's gifting you his share of the house. You can always sell it and move to something cheaper once the divorce is finalised: To a more affordable property.

I don't know what the divorce process is where you live, but can your lawyer petition the Court to set a hearing date, so your husband and his lawyer can't delay anymore? Also, consider what other assets there are in the asset pool that need to be split: Shares/inheritances/savings/jewellery/cars etc.