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Feeling Empathy for my Ex

My divorce is not over yet ...I filed for divorce in November 2020.
I have not talk or seen my ex and not intent to talk to him , only through Lawyers .
My Brother still keeps contact with my ex (which I do not mind) but when my ex text my brother an text my brother will text me what my ex sent him.
The last text my ex sent to my brother was
(That he is sad and alone)
My ex does not even know that my brother sent this text to me
And I responded to my brother

(I am alone but I do not feel lonely
There are plenty of companionship out there that my ex can find. He just do not want to spend money to look for an companionship , caretaker etc...(even though he can afford it)
I wish my ex health and happiness )

The reason I divorced him is he have some control issues, he liked to have the last saying too and also after 29 years of marriage years I felt that I was living as a roommate It did not feel like husband and wife feeling.

He did not have a Father and Son relationship with our son, that is Why my son left home.

Thank you For reading my story