Womans Divorce Forum

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Womans Divorce Forum
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Good Morning
I have been separated for almost a year now ...from a controlling ex and I am planning to file for divorce soon because I cannot handle his outbursts and madness
He became sick after our separation .. the only family he have is his sister (even though their relationship is not so great),
Am I still responsible to take care of him?
Our marriage lasted for 29 yrs
I am against being “just friends” after separation or divorce !
Any comments will be greatly appreciated
Thank you in advance

Re: Separated

No, you do not have to be responsible or care for him. My husband was in an accident. Because there was no other family to care for him I tired. He became more dependent on me instead of independent trying to keep me there. After a while, I caught on and moved out, and filed for divorce. Please don't let him trap you.