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Sick ex husband

My divorce is not even finalized yet... I filed for divorce November of 2020 I have not been in contact with him or vice versa (which I do not want to be whatsoever) my Brother is the only one that is keeping in touch with my Ex
My Brother mentioned that my Ex is very very sick that he has been in and out of the ER
I wish him well
Am I responsible to take care of him during my divorce ?
He liked to control Everyone in the family he always thought that we have to drop everything that we were doing and do whatever he wanted me and my kids to do
I had enough after 30 yrs of marriage
I cannot handle him anymore
We used to argue about silly stuff that made him angry and we always ended up fighting
And his outburst made our fight even worst
I am in peace now
All I hope and Pray that he will get better
Am I still responsible to take care of how
After a long marriage ? When he cheated on me long time ago and I forgave him
It seems that my Ex is blaming on me of his sickness since I am the one that filed for divorce .
I do feel bad for him that he has been in and out of the hospital but I cannot and do not want to see him whatsoever.

Re: Sick ex husband


No you are not responsible for him.

If you choose to do something kind for him, then that is your choice. But, no it is not your responsibility anymore.

Wishing you all the best!