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14 years together now divorcing

I'm not sure where to begin. I got with my husband in 2008. I was 16 and he was 21. I never liked being alone. He seemed to be different from all of my previous relationships. He was smart, funny and very sweet. He ended up proposing to me and I was so excited, I said yes. We ended up getting married in 2016. Anyways, it wasn't up until now that I realized how controlling he was and still is and how he likes to try to pick fights with me. I just don't know where to begin. I left him in December 2021. I am still so hurt and I am trying to heal. I am a schizophrenic and was diagnosed in 2013. I have been hospitalized since 2013 30 times for my mental illness. I am just recently learning about narcissism and the traits it comes with. It's hard for me to accept the fact that he is one. I was and still am the blame for everything. It just hurts. We have two children together ages 12 and 9. I was and am still trying to be the best mom I can be to them. Sad part is, he has turned them against me. They hate me now and the 3 of them say I was the problem all along. It hurts so bad, I cry everynight. They don't care about my feelings at all. They are too young to understand how much their dad mentally abused me over the years. I am with someone new and we have only been togther for 3 months. I am just so sad honestly. If you're in a position where your soon to be ex spouse turned your kids against you, read about parent alienation. I am just now finding out that it's a thing. Advice?