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Completely stuck

Ok, I’m an emotional wreck. Spouse has been emotionally and verbally abusing me for decades. Calling me (screaming actually) a ******* ***** Making fun of me because of my depression and being unable to find a job. (Just got one). If I make the slightest mistake while driving, etc. the barely suppressed anger comes over him.
The other day, for the first time, he physically threatened to hit me. Swung his arm back and growled “I’ll hit YOU”. I was telling him not to kick and beat the dog for scratching him while jumping to greet him.
Scared me beyond the point of no return. I’ve been in intensive counseling and the past few years I’ve seen my self become more confident in my self worth and capability. Is it a coincidence that it’s moved to the physical threat stage? My kids are adult ages.

Re: Completely stuck

Please call the police and file a report. As someone already in the divorce process- your hearsay is not enough. You have a soul. Protect it and the body you have from abuse. Ask for help and if it doesn’t come ask someone else until you get the help you deserve. Please, take care of yourself. Abuse never gets better. That much history can tell us.