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Kind to me but not to others !?

Would you get married to a person (in my case he is my fiancé) that can be sometimes unkind to people he does not like ?
Not to me though because he always been kind to me and we know each other for 3 years now .

Re: Kind to me but not to others !?

Can you give us more details and scenarios? Setting boundaries is okay but if it's something like being rude to a server at a restaurant then I find that as a huge turn off. I prefer someone kind who has empathy/compassion.

How are they with children and animals? That will usually show you a lot about what type of person they are.

Re: Kind to me but not to others !?

Hi Sarah
Thank you for responding
We own 2 buildings together and when he goes to one of the tenants apartment and they request for any type of repairs he will say to the tenant yelling (what is wrong with that hole in the wall) he will yield and say who did it??
Instead of saying that the tenant will be responsible to pay 1/2 and 1/2 of the cost
He will get really 😡 mad
Not so kind 😢
Or if someone calls that he will have to pay the rent after the due date ... my husband will say that’s fine and he will not charge a late , once the tenant have the rent the time that he collects the rent he ask for the late fee even though he already told him that he will not charge the late fee
No empathy
He likes to be in control too