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Hello Everyone
During arguments with my husband of 30 yrs he yell at me saying “Get out of my house” “Go Go “ and he had called me “Piece of
S_ _t” “Grow up” and I felt Sad that he yell all this words when we fight on and off,
Just because I did not agree with him of something that was not even important to discuss.
Is it normal for a husband to feel this much anger towards me the way he said during a irrelevant issue?
I have two adults children that have their own life and my husband have a So So relationship with them, and he tells me that I am always on their side instead of his side.
Depends on the situation.
I am sick and tired of these arguments that arises on and off by not supporting him by not being on his side .
And when he tells me WHY I am not on his side ?
I tell him What is right is right and What is wrong is wrong
And then he will stop talking to me .
He thinks that I always have be on his side no matter What even if he is wrong. 😡 just because I am his wife
I am 60 and he is 65 I do not Know what to do ?
Sometimes I just feel like leaving this long time marriage so my Life can be more peaceful but I feel that at this age is too late to get divorce.
He is not wiling to go to marriage counselor .
He have some health issues that unfortunately that will get worst as life goes on....
I don’t know what to do !?
I feel that I am staying in this marriage because of his health issues even though he is still capable to take care of him independently .
I need Help !
Thank you in advance for any suggestions

Re: Arguments

Liza, life is too short to be unhappy. It doesn't matter how old you are. Know your worth and move on with your life. I know that's easier said than done, but I think you will be much happier in the long run.