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Moved out on me

So I’m hear on a ladies forum to ask why. My wife and I of 20 years have certainly had our ups and downs. I disappointed her often in many aspects of life. After she finished up a masters degree to make good money she decided to tell me we were over. She takes kids on weekends while I get them, the bills, the responsibility, and 10 hour work days on the weekdays. Regardless of it all I’m still in love with her and want her back. I know I need to work on me and be active but I can’t help to not think of her from the moment I wake till the moment I fall asleep. She was my entire life and only love. I’m working to forgive her and pray she heals and finds happiness. With me she felt unhappy and lonely. This all hurts so bad to my core and I can’t do anything. She won’t even talk to me. I try to keep hope we can reunite and work together to live happily ever after but I’m not sure that’s possible. What can I do besides give her the freedom she needs to show her how much I love her? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Moved out on me

Hi Tony,

I'm sorry your are going through this. I know it is hard.

I can only share my experience. Some of your comments sound like things my ex- husband has said to me.

Our marriage was challenging and he was emotionally immature and took his frustration out on me. We were married for 23 years. I told him many times that I was unhappy with the way he treated me; he would apologize and but his behavior didn't change. We went to a therapist who made specific recommendations to him which he never followed because "it wasn't his fault." I told him over and over again that I wasn't happy, things needed to change or I would have no reason to stay in the marriage, but things didn't change.

So, I filed for divorce. Now, to give him credit after the divorce he finally started to see a therapist on his own and got on appropriate medication and we have a pleasant and friendly relationship now.

But he would like to get back together and has said to me "that I need time to heal", "that he still loves me" (but he didn't love me enough to do the things that would have enabled me to stay in the marriage.), that "he wants me back"

But that time of my life is done. I am not going backwards. I will never get back together with him. I am happy that we can be friends and spend time together with our children without the fighting and such that we put them through. I'm not angry with him. He has asked for forgiveness and I have given it. I am not resentful towards him anymore.

But I will never be in a relationship with him again because I don't want to be.

I hope this helps somewhat to hear a different perspective.

Wishing you all the best,