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Part 2 on BRUTALLY real opinion on YOUR abuse to us women

You’ve picked the worst ever topic to put on a woman.
If she’s a good one.. good luck in replacing her once she’s off!!

You see what comes with addictions normally is help,
Alcoholics you can tell if they’ve been drinking/ smell it/ see it..
Lock alcohol away and it can be fixed,
Drugs.. same thing
But when it comes to what you have…
Let’s be frank WOMEN….. just tell me how you fix this?


Stop looking right??
That easy?!
The thing with women is they are everywhere!
In life.. walking about, in your home,
On tv, in magazines, everywhere you turn,
As you can see.. or get the point.. it’s something that in my opinion can’t be hidden!
Therefore can’t really be fixed!

I’ve still not really heard any success stories.

Il stop looking is as good as it gets I’m afraid!

And we are actually expected to… believe that!
Like we are expected to believe your dick at age 30 isn’t working because… what?! What can you say? Old age??

So many men as young as in their teens are actually having erectyle dysfunction.. because they can’t actually stop ********

True This once upon a time used to come with old age…. Goodbye to that..
believe it.. read about it…
Porn is actually killing your own penis!

You jack off to anything.
Our best mates
Our sisters
Now can you see how it’s hard to trust you?!

We see the real mens surveys of what you supposedly jerk to
We’ve seen how you think to your dirty videos when ******* us!!!

Do you know the ironic thing….
We have to think of YOU when you sleep with us.

Let’s turn around and say- that’s wrong.

This is how soceity and you feeding into it has normalised relationships now.

Loveless relationships,
No connection
No real touch
No togetherness
No passion
No excitement
I can sadly relate to that.

Relationships hardly work anymore
because of PORN.

The thing is.. it’s like anything addictive.. it doesn’t appear from no where… you choose this.

You only have to see the damage on the no fap website in how many of you men are seriously struggling to get it up to your partners,
Struggling to be attracted to your partners ….it’s actually hideous hearing these damaged men.


Just how do you stop something you enjoy?

You might physically stop .. but it’s mentally f you up.. it’s in your head!

How exactly do you block out years of pervy built up thoughts/ zillions of videos you’ve programmed yourself to edge to…

Before you know it.. your partner is…
See how it’s having a knock on GLOBAL affect!

Your apart of that.

And for the record this pain and suffering of your wife/ partner will not be enough for you to stop.

So when you do.. it isn’t long before you RELAPSE and off the cycle goes again and again and again!

That moment of horny ness doesn’t stop when you feel upset about how it’s hurting your partner…
In that moment you are needing strangulation scenes, teen porn to get you off!

True sadly.

I’ve questioned enough men on this ugly subject to get real answers of what it is that “really” gets you all going.

Do you know that all this is so lodged in our heads .. we actually know that it’s not even us your ******* when ******* us..!!! How did it get to that?
Because in your mind it’s thinking of us 10/20% of the time and the rest is

the baby sitter ,
the teen sitting in the garden
The teen in the violent rape scene.. you’ve just watched whilst your loving partner made dinner.. completely oblivious to this.

This mostly happens in SECRET.

We end up with the real dreggs of life dating you because of this.

We never asked for it.

We are now… majorly f***** ( well not literally)..! You do that with your hand.
But our minds are so open to the possibilities of what you jerk to.. we become dirty minded and corrupt just like.. you!
We also now don’t feel it’s us you even think of!
Did you know this is how we think.
It’s more common than you think.

We’ve had to educate ourselves on what you look at.. and learn about how ..hard it is to come off this ugliness and.. apparently stand by you!

We are CONNED!

It’s hard for US not you.

Because we’ve learned to love you,
We’ve created memories with you
Had children
Invested financially,

Then explain to us how it’s easy to deal with this with those attachments.
Again it’s CRUEL!

Again this is what we get when dating a man.

How on earth is the death rate higher for men absolutely baffles me.

Before you know it..Poor you, you’ve got porn induced erectyle dysfunction ( pied) and we have to support the fact that it’s hard… not looking at girls?!!

That’s the REALITY of this!!!

You’ve been tugging yourself for decades ( true) and we have to accept this?
So many of you don’t even know what you have and why your bits stoped working!!

It’s too much ********

Il happily be real with this, there are NO ways to sugar coat it.
Not anymore.
And for those too shy to speak their real minds,
I’m not.

Sadly my partner chose a realist to pin this on.
Someone who knew about this many many years ago before I met him.

So the lies, the signs sadly to him.. I already knew.

I was punished for this.
I was punished for.. being hurt.

The reality was.. I was punished because I found him out and he wasn’t ready or wanted to.. stop.

This is why there were so many arguments.

The thing is
Your in a relationship and you do this? It should actually be an offence!

Why shouldn’t it?

We have insecurities as a result,
We are very miserable and sour faced everyday realising for x amount of fake years of playing happy families, you’ve been ******* to everything under the sun!!!
Whilst dating us.