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Part 3 BRUTALLY honest opinion on your abuse!!!

How do you carry on as normal after this?

Wacking one out multiple times a day to big breasted Brenda, or luscious Latino Lucy????
Maybe it’s Lucy and Brenda, or Lucy Brenda and the family dog!!!

Again what your asking of us to .. forgive you/ take you back when we find out… is as daft as inviting putin over for dinner.

So insane you can almost laugh abit!

We now have to do life… knowing this.
In the end it’s us who have to pay for it.. not you and that’s the bit you can’t seem to see, or bother to see.

The only way to ever explain it is to literally put the shoe on the other foot!

You get the dead dick but we have a life time of mental health problems because of your choice in putting porn in OUR lives!
The flat line/ dead dick isn’t enough for you to stop tho is it,
It’s actually alarming to what cost this comes at!

I’m actually sick of hearing.. I do it for a release,
My partner put on weight..
I’m stressed,
I’m bored.
She’s not attractive anymore,

Is anyone including yourself still as attractive after ten/ twenty years?

Do you still have your hair?


Too slim?

Oh I mustn’t go there.. but again why not?.. we have to compete against ALSORTS!!!
Maybe have a small penis.

Tits, small bottoms, big bottoms, long hair,short hair, fake lashes, big lips, younger,
The list is actually endless in what you put infront of us.

But we’ve got to be happy with.. you? Right?!

We are told to spice things up in the bedroom?
How do you men do that?

Buy a wig to cover your bald patches?

Why are we told to wear sexy things?
Il tell you why?

Because your bored of us

Being commited to one woman isn’t enough anymore.

Porn has simply made you bored of what you HAVE.

You have literally ****ed yourself to make that happen! ( literally)

The maths all there.

We have to dress up to somehow get you in the mood to the way sexy Sandra on porn h** dresses.

You’ve realised you’ve actually outdone yourself to the point ..

You no longer fancy your partner.

We get neglected and have no intimacy as a result.

Sounds familiar

What a great life for her.

Can you actually look back and feel satisfied that woman who gave you her everything, you can say you’ve done the same for.

Millions are like this so hopefully that’s of some comfort.

But this is what is destroying everyone everywhere….

If you don’t find your partner attractive.. **** OFF! It’s that simple!

Leave her alone to find a man who does and will want her!

It should be an offensive leading her on when you really can’t stand her.

Don’t use her to pay the bills, or raise your children, give you your dinners and wash your clothes!

Stop using us and sort your porn problem out!!

Keeping her in the background watching her practically dying slowly from this is disgusting and wrong!

If you can’t stop ********
Or tried but is really hard to stop
There are plenty of helplines and sites ( clean ones) available to help keep you away from doing it!

I don’t know why I do it is not enough and utter bull****.

Again if you can’t stop... be on your own.
No one else needs to suffer from this.
It’s the worst disease going!

If you hide behind stress..
Oh I’m so stressed that why I look at naked women.. I can’t even waste my time on answering that.

Sadly many already are stuck with this.. it’s globally ******* you up..!

They say 90% of men have this..
There’s no advice to this **** anymore other than to..
RUN for the hills.

I can’t give any helpful tips and advice.

Sorry but I’m just not only broken myself from this, but totally broken on hearing how many women this has affected!
Too many for my liking.

They say that for men Only an 8% recover.!!
Says it all doesn’t it.

The fact is the men we date, love, marry,are taking the full on p*** out of us and statics show **** all can really be done about it!

Infact it’s out there more than ever!
If your one of those women who had to embarrass herself in removing her porn addicted partners phone and had to swap it for a basic one..it sadly doesn’t stop there.
Maybe it’s best we actually educate ourselves on this.

After all.. what sane person wants the p** taken out of them!

Spot the signs, read thro the bull ****
It’s actually painful and humiliating

If they can’t get it in the form of a phone if porn blockers are installed,
They use the tv
Any video
Yep films like American pie.. young teens getting naked.. is all they need,
They store dirty images on their phones
Secret folders..
Anything they will do.
How many men watch Neighbours, Home and away.. it screems teens.
It’s everywhere.
They’ve wired themselves to **** and be horny to ANYTHING!

Your neighbours
Real people


This is why it’s game over.

There is no stopping this.

The only way to stop it.. is to reset the whole damaged population.

I used to be a fun mum…
“Used to”
But my daughter had to gradually see an incline in my happiness my health mostly in me as a person/ mum.
All because of what a man’s choice in killing me with porn did to me.

It’s all a choice this is why it’s hard to feel sorry for people who do this!

Porn sites don’t just fall in your lap.. you physically search for this s***!

It breaks me reading how many women are suicidal from THIS!

That’s right SUICIDAL.

Let’s be real here, years off loving that partner and it’s been fake all along is a hard pill to swallow!

Talking of pills.. those blue ones…
Where to even start with that.

Check his draws .. his porn habit can’t be found out,
Youl leave if your man can’t perform anymore..
He panicks, his safety net could disappear
He buys these pills to solve the problem.

Wake up.

Soceity is cleaver and as devious as the man your sitting next to!

One min he’s flat lined, the next he’s going at it twice…
Do your research and educate yourselves out of a broken heart ladies.

Are we getting wiser to this
You bet!
As strong as your man’s ( dare I say it) death grip 🤣

It’s so bad that my child constantly saw me low, always in bed dosed up on tablets from the mental damage this does
Sound familiar??

MOST women do once they realise they are last on the list to your porn stash!
Do you know myself and many used to be the most confident woman on the planet..

This sh** takes every inch of that in an INSTANT!

I’m Now left a shell of myself.
Feel old when I actually physically look my best.
Have medication from the doctor for
Sleeping disorders
To name only a few.

I wish I was given a pill to fully erase all I know…..and at one point my life.
Maybe I’d be the once innocent minded happy woman I used to be before realising I was living a lie with the person I stupidly was fooled by.

Yet this is too familiar with many of us,once the realness of it surfaces.

So it’s good you men can enjoy life,
it is all about you and what you can get away with hence why this is a problem.

Put a fit bit watch on your partners wrist..

I did and he managed a massive 5000 steps happened just at the comfort of his own home…. Funny that.

Cleaning the house I got.

You got to laugh sometimes.

Yet these men want you dedicated and commited to just “them”

It’s insulting isn’t it.

So when you try to comfort her.. understand ( if you can) how hard it actually is being comforted by jekle and hide.
The person who said I love you but silently said il slowly .. kill you too.

I feel robbed of my genuine happiness I thought I got when I chose to date my partner, it’s cruel isn’t it.
What’s ironic is he really doesn’t have much confidence.. and I chose him!

I’m a woman ten years younger who without sounding arrogant, isn’t short on offers put it that way.

Yet this is my reward ? My thanks?

My gratitude for giving him a chance.. this?!!!

It’s hard to make sense of any of it, and the worst when feelings are involved.

Your smart and do this behind her backs….
To keep the security , have that fantastic double life.. porn and security..! What a bonus!

It’s actually living the dream…
And It’s at OUR expense.

Years go by, we do end up getting on.. only for being replaced by that younger model ( models) literally!
What a fun future to look forward to..!

That’s our biggest fear right?!
It’s already done.
Already happened
Already happening!

He’s looking at hundreds of women getting banged as you read this… and most of you sadly … don’t even no it!

Wakey wakey…

It’s Everyone’s fear right?
A man’s fear also
Imagine us doing that to you.. oh how horrible life would be!

It doesn’t even need to be in physical form anymore.. choosing to look at women is at the touch of a button!

They enjoy it so much.. they upgrade, pay for more sinister sites, websites, riskier content!

Actual cam girls for the ultimate ******* experience…

Your in bed.. oblivious
Doing the school run oblivious
Visiting your sister oblivious
Doing the shopping oblivious
Getting “his favourite dinner”!
Prize idiot right there.

He’s actually being…. REWARDED!!!

Again wake up. Please please!
These idiots don’t deserve loyalty, love, commitment!

Let them crack on.
Your life won’t be the same again, it’s the only promise I can make on this.

You bring that ugliness into our lives/ our home.
Around our kids! ( frightening)
Your that pervy uncle, neighbour step dad.. we all dreaded growing up. you enjoy tick tock videos .. and pretend it’s all fluffy and like innocent videos
Make fake accounts in social media
Enjoy Twitter to catch peeks of celebrities….and young girls.

Wake up.

Don’t you think we have Cottened on to a lot of things..?
I do hope to say I’m not the only one…

You literally INSULT US!

Again this is love your way of loving us..
Define love?
Please don’t say loyalty or commitment

More realistic maybe companionship,
That’s all we are.

Wakey wakey.

This is more than just porn,
it’s stripping away every inch of our being, our confidence, our intelligence, our soul.
,laughing at us, timing your ***** carefully calculating this ****

Can you see how damaging all this is?
If you can’t or can’t be bothered then I do hope your partner has truly left by now.

The lengths you go to whilst the person who .. loves you is broken down… is endless and won’t stop at nothing.

You don’t deserve to be in a relationship when you do such ugly things!!
It’s not hard to see why.

Life’s hard enough.

How would you like it?
Feeling paranoid in every sense of the word,

Becoming competitive with women who never age because videos don’t,

Being told your too fat, going bold, not attractive anymore so your partner pushes you to the side and looks at other men ( multiple)!!

Doing this whilst your asleep,

Planning this when you work hard and provide for your family

Kick in the teeth and ego isn’t it.

Not nice is it.

The realness of this S***!

Oh and I’ve forgotten the best bits we get-
oh I don’t do it
I don’t need that
Oh it’s my mate who left that on my computer
Oh it’s you I want
Oh don’t be silly get over it
To name a few but common lines we get back.

All the lies, the cover ups, the fake promises all **** you up.

Bearing in mind our heads still spinning trying to work out how we loved and cared for such a man.

The trust is gone.

Imagine you being told to get over it once YOUR REPLACED!!!!

Or your loving partner keeping a photo of her hunky ex in her bedside draw and uses that to pleasure herself..
But… can’t be in the mood for you..

Sounds too familiar

Thats exactly what your doing.

You can’t tell your partner off if she does that surely?
You do exactly that EVERY single day to her.

Then talk about love
Talk about honesty…
You have no leg to stand on.

I actually admire one of those women on this site who got angry rather than upset, and saw this crap for what it REALLY is!!
She said- do it back!


I sent a picture of a hunky man.. needless to say it was only a tiny bit of how we are made to feel.

This total madness turns your world upside down in an INSTANT!!!

Arguments I can’t say I’ve ever argued and stressed myself over as much as this!
It literally takes over your life.

Just how porn takes over yours.

Your living your very best life!

We suffer.

How is this fair.

Hence why we leave.

Don’t question it.

You chose it.

You miss us, Pine for us.

What exactly are you pining for?

Not our bodies let’s be real there!

You miss the comfort,
The family environment ( some)
The fake relationship status
The days out

Actually everything but our bodies!

You think we don’t know this.

I found myself talking about porn on the anniversary of my dads death,
My daughters birthday
My birthday
My dead brothers birthday
The cats birthday…
This **** doesn’t ever stop.
Arguments will be CONSTANT
These manipulative men will not think twice about swearing on peoples lives, or your pain to stop. The lies will go in hand, youl hear hideous stories to protect HIMSELF!!!
That’s the bottom line and always will be!
Your feelings, depression does not phase him.

If you want this to go away or you want your wife/ girlfriend to stop complaining over what you’ve done to her, you literally don’t have to listen to it- walk away because that’s probably the best decision you could probably ever make!

Because this won’t ever go away.

Everything will be a reminder.

Not only that shel be faced constantly with how stupid she was thinking you loved her/ prioritised her.


Porn is your priority.

We don’t recover.

I fear My daughters flash backs and memories growing up / her child hood with me are of a mental patient stuck in a bed.. that sort of image..
Because that’s what I was.. and sadly still am.

That’s my daughters childhood.
Let’s hope you didn’t have one like that.

Remind me again why we are angry..?

This not just affected me.. it totally has influenced my parenting ( lack of),

People pick up on what they see and seeing your mum always low and not being told why or understanding why is weird to a kid.

Why is my mum always sad
Why did she get angry today..but was ok yesterday
It interferes with EVERYTHING.

It’s cruel.

It can’t be nice witnessing your mum always down ( try to remember how that was seeing your mum like that when growing up) if this happened to you.
She even said she thought I had a permanent illness because I was.. always in bed!!

It really put me in a bad light..
This super mum I used to be.. almost deteriorated like I had some unexplained illness…

I can’t undo that.

It’s not the thing you open up about to your child.
It’s embarrassing enough realising you were mugged off and fooled the whole entire time.

What’s sad and damaging is how you men know the damage it’s doing to your partner…
but still do it.

Then play victim Or suicide should she leave and know her worth.

Suddenly find this strength from somewhere..
Us crying broken down

What do you do whilst she is crying

My point exactly.

We then go thro it all again…

The guilt trip
The I want you backs
The I can’t live without you’s

To be fair.. you will probably have a better ( more fulfilling) life with porn without having to worry we are there!
No more holding that remote close
Or speed **********
Looking over your shoulder
Or finding the perfect time to plan it!

It’s ugly as **** isn’t it!
This is a nasty and miserable existence!
You men know this and do not give a **** how much it breaks us!!!

There’s so many angles to it, and you must understand why it’s hard to not see you in a good light from this subject.. and why it’s so difficult to get over it
( if that’s even possible).

Going by these posts chances are very slim,
Infact it would be weird if we accepted this,

Accepted our men .. viewing hundreds of naked girls/ teens/ ..
the variety is actually not even shocking anymore to what gets you off!
We become numb to what should scare us,
We become desensitised… like your bits..
Like you.
Zombies .
An outsider of soceity.
What you have… rubs off on US!

This once beautiful butterfly is now an ant.

Is it fair to say.. that when we date you men.. we are technically dating your porn stash?

The answer will always be yes.

But I only do it now and again spills out.. to look like they’ve done us a favour…

Ok well we only pleasured ourselves just a couple of times to our ex.. how does that sound?


Sounds Hideous doesn’t it.

We don’t get told, we will get what we put in,
we get the very dregs of life and that our supposedly love of our life’s.. are thinking of millions of others whilst going about our daily lives aswell as during our sex lifes!

Just how is this ok?
How if said in black and white is this love?
Is this even normal when your partner is there?
It’s down right nasty.

Is our role to literally nurture you like big babies?
Be your mum
Because that’s exactly what we become in the end
Makes total sense especially if not having a sex life.. we become your mum.

This is how men like it ..
Us to mother them
Porn to fulfill them.

…How I’d like to see roles reversed.
You wouldn’t cope for a second believe me!

I sent my ex pics of hunky men when he tried to get back with me, feeding me the repetitive bull **** of.. il stop, I don’t do it, I said sorry I can’t talk I’m pleasuring myself to lots of men.
You lose all respect.
Play them at their very own game. It’s the only way around this!

Let them feel paranoia, have sleeping problems, anxiety, confusion, feelings of not being enough.. and hunky men they have to be up against!!

Raising kids are hard work, but it’s actually much more rewarding..than raising a fully grown man who rewards us with peeking at alsorts of girls!

You all live double lives!
You know it too
You don’t care.
It doesn’t bother you enough to stop!
Our pain is bugger all to your …
Yet knowing all this.. you actually have the shame in asking us.. back?
How do you get to that?

I’d be mortified and couldn’t look at that person again!

Bottom line
Reality is exactly brutally that.

Now ask yourself why it’s hard for us idiots, sorry but that’s how you’ve made us , to over come this?

If your porn addiction is so bad it’s affecting that other person

Let her All this will come out properly one day…

Loads of men will be like damaged ****ed up zombies… all going to the doctor or therapists pleading for help! Saying their partners have binned them…. It’s all coming.

And guess what.. from our misery like most things.. the government will cash in on this and make money out of it!

There will be new gimmicks to catch your partner out
More therapists/ websites to comfort those battered women who have had a life time living with a porn addicted partner .
Too late for us tho isn’t it.

Womens suffering and misery will be nothing ,
like it is already.

Just another on the mental health check list and more for men to say
Get over it. ( nothing new there)!

I sadly and almost laughably looked at chastity cages for my re occurring situation in my relationship.
motion detection watches ( which caught the last lot of action)I managed to prove,
To name a few breaking point things…
I’d lowered my own standard in doing.

I have to say

This is absolutely the pit of life , me having to do this.

I guess for a woman it can’t get any lower and uglier than having to do.. that!

If anyone would of ever written in my future I’d be buying such things like that for my partner I would of laughed or died laughing.

But that’s the reality of it..
something so wrong.. its .. funny!..

sums up porn-
So wrong but right….


This has fully changed me and many once confident women into ..full on depressants.

I have good days, but most are bad.
I never knew the impact this subject had on me till I fully opened myself to someone who gave me that life..
this man and had idiot written all over me.
This man who I apparently took from darkness into the light.

You took my light and put me in darkness.

Can happy even happen after this??

Who are we really dating
Living with
Introducing to our children…
It’s scary if you really think about it.

Paedos ..
men naturally not ever admitting to it but fantasying over young children…

That IS also PORN.

It’s the bits we don’t know,
The parts we don’t understand to why your man can’t get aroused by you

It makes you think

Yet they get angry over this,
When in reality we have EVERY right to question Most women divorce from finding the “content” their supposedly loving partner likes to look at.
I can understand that fully and does make me abit relieved I wasn’t that unfortunate in finding that.

There’s no argument.

Its the unknown.

It doesn’t matter what you tell us ..
Of course we’d get the sugar coated version…..

This is the bit I personally will always struggle with..

How are these men able to do this secret life?
Double life isn’t it really?
Playing dad, step dad, the good guy?
This is the part no one tell us.
The content… they search for.

Wake up

Women are everywhere in your life, your partner, your mum, niece,
People as innocent yet getting plastered over porn hub sites being humiliated.
These women are creating scenes of incest( some don’t even no they are plastered on these sites!!!!)
so porn hub can do one hiding behind “it’s all consented” what a load of bs that is!

Yet this **** excites you!!

So why is it shocking in real life if a woman ****s her grandad?
Her cousin?
It’s glamourised and actually cool to do that on those sites!!

It’s what men like looking at and get their kicks from!

It makes you literally see everything thro a Lense of what men REALLY do
And this is why our minds are corrupt.

Wake up. Time to get your head out the clouds and start understanding we are more switched on than you think.

Yes well done in hiding it for so long, but look who has the bad title,
That’s not me.

Women who are making their men dinners, baths, showering them with love, making efforts with make up, tan.. like I DID.
Silly looking back not to mention the cost of fake tan lol!!

All pointless tho isn’t it


We don’t get to be your primary choice
Its those sites that do.

Can you see why it’s easy to be offended and NOT ok by this.

You must do by now??
So why is it shocking in real life if a woman ****s her grandad?
Her cousin?
It’s glamourised and actually cool to do that on those sites!!
The ones you **** to!!

It’s what men like looking at and get their kicks from!

It makes you literally see everything thro a Lense of what men REALLY do
And this is why our minds are corrupt.

Wake up. Time to get your head out the clouds and start understanding we are more switched on than you think.

Yes well done in hiding it for so long, but look who has the bad title,
That’s not me.

Women who are making their men dinners, baths, showering them with love, making efforts with make up, tan.. like I DID.
Silly looking back not to mention the cost of fake tan lol!!

All pointless tho isn’t it


We don’t get to be your primary choice.
it’s those sites that Can you see why it’s easy to be offended and not ok by this.

You must do by now.

Life is hard enough… do we need all this added bull ****!

If you got bord of us and couldn’t tell your wife incase it hurt her feelings
I’d think ******* off to hundreds of other women would hurt her more don’t you think?

Honesty is something that you can’t do because.. you’ve got it too good and can’t risk losing that!


What she doesn’t no won’t hurt right?

Shall us women use that same attitude??

Do tell me!

What happens when …WE get bord of you????

Please tell me that.

Your ageing too,
No spring chicken
No fancy outfits to “spice” it up…

True tho,
I never knew my position in t

Re: Part 3 BRUTALLY honest opinion on your abuse!!!

Claire. Please book in to speak with a psychologist asap. I feel for you. You're clearly hurting emotionally, angry and upset. It would be a positive move forward to speak with a professional who can teach your coping mechanisms and empower you to heal and move on from you ex 🙏 Please don't let his crappy actions and decisions ruin your happiness. Sending you a hug 🌸