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Trying to understand my thoughts and feelings

Now a year after the divorce his married this women he denied having an affair with and I find myself wishing ill on him. I don't want to have these feelings as I was the one who decided to end our marriage. I don't know what to do to stop having these feelings what is wrong with me. I hate feeling this way.

Re: Trying to understand my thoughts and feelings

This is so hard. I am coming up on a year and they are going strong, spending every night with each other and my child whenever he has him and she doesnt have hers. Its unbearable. My thoughts and feelings are often very similar.

Re: Trying to understand my thoughts and feelings

I'm guessing you feel betrayed? He cheated on you in your marriage, and now there're together, as an out in public married couple. That's bound to hurt; even if you were the one who filed for divorce. Give yourself permission to feel angry with the situation, but ultimately, start looking out for number one and focus your energy on healing and empowering yourself to live a new life that is free of living with a liar and cheat.

Chances are-he may cheat on her too eventually. There's the old adage 'once a cheater, always a cheater...' and there's a lot of truth in that it seems, from women's posts on this forum.

Get busy creating the best version of you that you can be :) Make it so the next time he sees you, you've left his new partner for dust-in terms of career, confidence, happiness, health and fitness etc. Success is the best form of 'revenge.' Let the bitterness go. Don't let it eat at you. Don't give thoughts of him the real estate space in your brain! Use you brain to heal and empower yourself. Karma will deal with him. You just need to deal with taking care of you. Some women find it helpful to write a journal so you can read back through it, to see how much your life has moved on; inch by inch. I also like the idea of writing my troubles on a piece of paper and floating it away down a river or creek. There's something calming and releasing about seeing one's troubles float away for nature and the universe to deal with when our lives feel overwhelming, angry and/or sad.

Have you read 'The Serenity Prayer?' I also find that healing and helpful when I feel down or angry 🙏