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Divorce with toddler - how does a mother let go of pain

I have a child who is now 2 1/2. I smelled her, bathed, fed her, held her, almost every hour, and the assumption that all mothers have- that we are automatically going to see our own babies every day- was ripped away and will remain ripped. I have to beg and complain and persuade and play stupid word games to see my own child. And I learned today that a judge may not even look at my case more than a glance, and with that, decide that I don’t get to see her half her life.

How does a mother get through this pain? How do I learn to accept and actually believe that stupid, callous remark that, “it’s not that bad”. I don’t know how to bear it. How do you bear having your baby kept from you half the days for the rest of her childhood? Of not being able to kiss her every night?

Re: Divorce with toddler - how does a mother let go of pain

This is my feelings and situation exactly and I have no idea I want to know too it is so hard and horrible and doesn't seem to be or going to be getting any better or easier.

Re: Divorce with toddler - how does a mother let go of pain

Do you mean there's a 50/50 custody arrangement?