Womans Divorce Forum

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Womans Divorce Forum
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hello everyone i have something for you

hello everyone
i hope you all are doing well
women's divorce are increasing day by day reason is unknown
but someone say physical relation is the problem someone say time is problem but to maintain good relation you have to watch this videos

Re: hello everyone i have something for you

This is a link to a pirn site. How insulting to this forum

Re: hello everyone i have something for you

It's a porn link....how insulting

Re: hello everyone i have something for you

If there was ever evidence needed that most men are just ****** and utter ******** David's post is it! Just sayin!

Don't click on the link 'David' has posted ladies. Porn apparently. What a knob...

Re: hello everyone i have something for you

Aren’t you a sick ****** david