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Re: Is it normal?

Emotions can run high during verbal fights. Often, one or both partners say something they later regret. Is this part of a pattern? Do you feel you're in an equal relationship that is (outside of the arguments), respectful towards each other? What are the fights about? Is there a common theme? If so, can the problem that's causing tension be resolved in some way?

Like Kelly has suggested-When possible, I would walk away if he starts with the cursing. If it's an abusive situation however, where you're constantly having to 'walk on eggshells' for fear of upsetting him-well, that would be a different story and you should perhaps contemplate whether it's safe and healthy for you to remain in the relationship, long-term. Are children overhearing the cursing and nasty things? If so, both of you need to think about how that must feel for them: Seeing their parents 'at each other's throats.' Very upsetting and intimidating.

Clearly some boundaries need to be set (whether you have children or not).