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Re: not loving my husband

Dear all, has anyone of you ended up with the strong awareness that you don´t love your husband? I will give some explanation.
I married my husband who was my best friend at the time, after a 9years troubled relationship. Back then, I thought I loved him but through years of therapy and discussions, I have come to the realization that although he is my best friend, I married him because I really needed safety and stability. While being best friends is very important in a marriage, I believe that also feeling strongly emotionally connected is. For me these are the two basic components of a long-term relationship. I can see that I seek to find someone to love. I want to love deeply and give what I can give and I am unable to give my husband cause simply there´s a lack of feeling. I never cheated as such but it happened once that I let someone in very deeply. It destroyed me because it could not continue and develop into something more. I am often reminded of this lack of love that I feel (he loves me dearly and our relationship is good..but I just don´t love him the way I want to love my life partner). We have kids. We have put everything in common. He is the one with a stable job. We don´t live in our homecountry. I am scared of being alone.
I cannot make a decision. Our kids are little and..I just don´t feel that I am there yet. If anyone can share their experience, emotions, feelings..I´d be so very glad. Thank you so much in advance.
Ask God to help you see your husband through HIS eyes.