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Re: How to leave unhappy marriage

Fear keeps a lot of us in marriage. I was married for 29 years, partly because I was afraid of the unknown. What if I can't make it on my own? This was my thinking partially because they have you believing that you can't make it alone. Well, I finally broke the chain. I knew I was done but in order to be able to file for divorce I needed to know I would be ok. I started not buying as many groceries, cutting back on utilities and things, and saving money in cash. I did not put anything in the bank. This was my money to get me up and going. I check around on rent and how much deposits would be. I figured out how much I needed to get out and be on my own until the divorce was final. I prayed a lot about all of it. On the day I started looking for an apartment, one more or less just fell in my lap (all I can say is God came through). I told him I had an apartment and that I would be moving by a certain date. I had installed hidden cameras in the home before telling him. I jumped!!! After the first week, I knew I would never go back. Not to say it hasn't been hard at times, but I have never wanted him back. I'm in my late fifties and left more than I took, but material things are not important. I thank god for giving me the strength to leave. I hope you find your strength.

Re: How to leave unhappy marriage

i'm glad you had the foresight to plan and the courage to make to change. i wish you well!

Re: How to leave unhappy marriage

Hi ladies, I need to know from anyone how did you leave?? If you left how did you go about telling kids or packing etc...isn't this overwhelming. How do u start process.
I feel so lost.