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Re: Numb

I am sorry to hear you are going through this. Having your husband want a divorce is difficult under normal circumstance. Also dealing with a disability and having him as your caregiver makes it even harder. Definitely reach out to advocates to help you will the medical support side of things, they might have some valuable resources for you.

For the emotional support I would like to suggest you check out my podcast "from Devastated to Divorced", it is free and can be found wherever podcasts are streamed from. You will find a lot of tips support and motivation there to help you forward in your journey. I am wishing you the best!

Re: Numb

Thank you so much! I have been listening to your podcast and I appreciate what you share. This is such a vulnerable and at times scary times for me but I am slowly finding my footing. Podcasts like yours help bring clarity and more confidence in the storm of seperation and divorce.