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Re: My husband is leaving me

I need to talk to someone

Re: My husband is leaving me

I am so sorry that you are going through this.

I would recommend that you start taking care of yourself.
Consult with a divorce attorney and start getting things in order to protect yourself and your kids legally and financially.

Maybe go ahead and schedule some sessions with a marriage counselor. Text him the time and dates, see if he'll come, if not go by yourself- that may help you work through some of this.

Is there something going on with him? Depression?

Good luck!

Re: My husband is leaving me

Invest in yourself. If he did not love you, love yourself enough to recognize he did you a favor. Now you can love yourself enogh to find someone who truly does love you.

Re: My husband is leaving me

How are you doing Whitney? Have things changed since you posted? Were you able to speak to your husband, is he willing to work on things or are you still in limbo?

I want to suggest you listen to a podcast episode, that will really help you move forward in this very difficult journey. Just search for the "From Devastated to Divorced" podcast and choose episode #8 The 5 Chapters to Surviving a Separation. It is a roadmap of what you can expect to deal with moving forward. This is a totally free resource, created on my own journey through an unwanted separation and divorce.

It is a very scary and painful time, but you will get through it! I believe in you.