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Re: Recently divorced after 20 years together

I was with my Ex husband for over 27years. Separated for about 3 years trying to see if we could make it work before finally divorcing. Before we divorced he had already started seeing someone else who he is still with and never told me about until they had been together for a year. It took him no time to move on and be happy with his life. Our 2 kids live with me and I support them completely with no assist from him. He doesn't offer it. I can't even imagine being with another person or being in a relationship. Still trying to figure myself out. I seriously struggle with the anger I feel towards him and don't know how to let it go. He's moved on like our marriage never happened and I can't figure out what to do with my life.

Re: Recently divorced after 20 years together

I am sorry to hear what you have and are going through. People are strange.. men are strange. I also imagine it is hard with kids that you single parent at home. He may not have offered but you can ask or lawyer up if he isn’t a good person. You and your kids would find the pressure of hard less and more do-able each day if you had the $ support. We were married for over 20 yrs. We have 1 son in college. My ex is a good person and so far we have been able to negotiate without a lawyer. But we will see. He chose to end it. I will be 60 this year and I never imagine that at my age, I would be divorced. The papers have been signed and we did our ‘ending’ yesterday. It hurts that he doesn’t see anything salvageable after being married that long. My life has completely changed and over turned. I now rent a room out and share everything with 3 other housemates. I am scared. I have retirement worries. It’s physically and emotionally hard to work full time as I am depressed and anxious and my boss makes our jobs so hard - and this is my reality right now. I keep looking to discover enrichment to my life. I find it hard when I’m depressed all the time. I am trying to allow for all a si didn’t ‘want’ this and it’s here. My brain is aware that I can make myself suffer more or suffer less and I seem to suffer. I feel alone. Confused about who I am. Depressed.. I’m hoping to figure out a system for support… I find that speaking to others that have gone thru a divorce is helpful. I’m hoping this platform will be useful. Best wishes to everyone out there going through heartbreaks. We are not alone.