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Where were you ??????? Testimonial for AJ's Yellow rods.

YOAdrien, tried to call you this morning at 3:15, no answer, maybe I was calling too late ????? (only joking)

By the way, let me tell you all how I lost my cell phone. I was on my way to the gas station to fil er up (ugh) for the ride to Squam the next morning, truck was all loaded. I also had some cinder blocks in back for a project at the camp. When I pulled in the station I heard something tip over in the back of my truck. I was on my phone at the time, my first thought was "oh sh--, I'll bet the cinder blocks fell right on my rods".

As suspected 2 blocks sat on top of the Yellow rods, I quickly hung up to check the damage, in a panic set my phone down, not sure where, but I suspect the rear bumper.

The rods, my favorites from AJ's the Yellow Starfires, were fine, 4 rods, two bent line guides and that was it. Amazing how tough those light action rods are, but yet have a great feel when you have a "fish on". Had they been my expensive 9'Diamond Backs (that I leave on the boat) they would have been destroyed without a doubt. Most expensive gear, aint allways better I guess. My reels however, on the more expensive side, were not touched.

The cell phone is history, I looked up and down the road for an hour, nowhere to be found ?????? Tried calling it still could not find it, I had over a 100 numbers in it I think. Not sure what I will do, maybe not replace it and go with only one phone. Maybe try to keep my old number and use only the Nextel. These days all the compaines are "just as good" and also equaly "just as bad".

At any rate, best news of the weekend "is the fish are back on at Squam".

John S.