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Question on age

went fishing with Ilucas yesterday, had best day ever.I caught a nice salmon. Ilooked it over to see what fin was clipped to find out the age. the only clipping I noticed was that the tail fin itself seemed to have been split right down the center. after getting home and looking at this sites clipping chart, I found no information that says that fin was clipped. also when cleaning the fish I found it full of roe. At what age do they start producing roe? one more question How can you tell what sex they are, without them leaking roe or sperm?

Re: Question on age

Forry - I don't think they clip the tail, but perhaps someone else knows for sure. Usually its the adipose or a pelvic fin.

This time of year the females should seem a little to a lot fatter than the males, but its easier to tell the males as the have a longer lower jaw or "kipe" that gets more hooked as spawning season approaches. Females have a more symetrical, short lower jaw.

Re: Question on age

There is a catergory of no clip and that is the one you should look to for it's age, this would be it's 3rd summer in the lake and stocked in spring 2004.
They can spawn in their sacond fall in the lake.

A split tail is a sure sign that someone landed it with a ""SLOB NET"" or ""FISH KILLER NET"" basically any net other than a rubber net. And it thrashed in the net and split up fins and then was released. This one obviously didn't die but far too many do. If you are going to release your fish PLEASE GET A RUBBER NET! It is gentler on the fish and eliminates deformed split fins. Also this is a contributor to smaller fish as they have to put energy into repairing themselves rather than growing to their full potential.

By YOU, i don't mean you in particular Forry, just anybody in general.

I am assuming the fish you caught was between 19-21 inches long. And weighed about 3 lbs.

Some fins can regrow after clipping but it takes many years and they rarely reach full size and shape after being clipped.

A sexually immature salmon is basically impossible to tell the difference between male and female. As stated by Eric a male will grow an extended lower "hook" type jaw and darken in color as we approach fall. This color will lighten up over the winter and occur again the next fall. And females will have a smaller more rounded even jaw bone facial structure.

Re: Re: Question on age

Thanks for the info I appreciate it. Will any of these roe filled salmon reproduce in winni or any of New Hampshire Lakes or are all the lakes PH messed up. can't they adapt to there environment?

Re: Re: Re: Question on age

By my question I mean if the perch and especially the smelt and lake trout(which need cold and clean water)can reproduce why is it the salmon can't or don't change to their surroundings? just a thought. the state has protected grounds for the loons to breed why can't they do some sort of area that could be treated so the fish can reproduce? they do it for Atlantic salmon why not Landlocks, maybe it is a stupid question I don't know.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on age

Forry, I think the Salmon actually reproduce pretty well in Winni. I think the stocking is to supplement the natural population. I think I read on the board a while back that Winni has been so productive that the fisheries folks have been harvesting roe from Winni females to use in stocking for other lakes.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on age

The Natural Reproduction on winni is close to (0) ZERO on salmon. The eggs/baby salmon don't make it on their own, but the fish are really healthy and the eggs are great quality so they strip the eggs and hatch them in hatcheries then stock the salmon back into the lake.

About the reason the smelt reproduce i am not certain and don't want to mislead but the lake trout do good because they actually spawn in the lake instead of the rivers and streams.

I am sure John Viar will read this so maybe he can help us on specific reasons for this.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Question on age

thanks guys I was just wondering why the different species do the things they do and don't do.


Re: Re: Question on age

Are Cabela's rubber boat net the one to buy or is there a better make ?